Building Safety & Community: CWC Partners with DC Fire and EMS During Construction

Our crews are better prepared to respond to this type of emergency because of this opportunity
— DC Fire and EMS

Building strong communities goes beyond constructing physical spaces. It's about fostering partnerships that enhance safety, learning, and resilience. We recently collaborated with DC Fire and EMS from the Petworth Firehouse while providing Design-Build services for an extensive renovation and addition at Truesdell Elementary in Ward 4. The project presents a rare and invaluable opportunity: a real-world environment where firefighters could train in often difficult-to-replicate scenarios.

“The DC Fire Department was grateful for the opportunity to conduct training at the Truesdell Elementary School. A strategic partnership between CWC and the DCFD allowed crews from Rescue Squad No. 2 to practice breaching and breaking masonry walls in a school area slated for remodeling/demolition. It's hard and cost-prohibitive to perform training like this in our training academy, and there is just no substitute for practicing on the real thing. Our crews are better prepared to respond to this type of emergency because of this opportunity.” - DC Fire and EMS


Real-World Training Scenarios

The school, while mid-construction, provided an ideal setting for the Rescue Squad No. 2, Engine 24, and Medic 24 Units to practice a variety of training exercises:

  1. Confined Space Rescues: Navigating through tight spaces and complex layouts is a crucial skill for firefighters. The partially demolished areas of the school, with their temporary barriers and equipment, mimicked the challenges of confined space rescues, allowing the team to practice maneuvers and refine their techniques.

  2. Accessing Hard-to-Reach Areas: The site's scaffolding, temporary structures, and varying floor levels allowed firefighters to practice reaching and evacuating people from hard-to-access locations.

  3. Controlled Demolition for Practice: Certain building sections were designated for controlled demolition, giving firefighters hands-on experience with breaking through walls and other obstacles—an essential skill in emergency rescues.

  4. Arson Investigation and Fire Incident Drills: With safety protocols firmly in place, we facilitated simulated arson investigations and fire incident scenarios, allowing DC Fire and EMS to enhance their investigative skills and improve their response strategies in controlled but realistic settings.

Enhancing Safety and Preparedness

Our collaboration began before these training exercises. During Construction Safety Week earlier this year, we joined forces to conduct comprehensive fire drills involving our trade partners. These drills were instrumental in ensuring that everyone on-site was well-versed in emergency procedures and could respond swiftly and effectively in the event of an incident.

A Shared Commitment to Community Safety

The Design-Build team, which includes our JV partner Blue Skye Construction and VMDO-DC Architects, is proud to have contributed to this vital training and looks forward to more opportunities to support our local heroes. This partnership underscores our commitment to community safety and preparedness. By working closely with DC Fire and EMS, we're not just building a school but contributing to a safer, more resilient community. The skills honed, and the knowledge gained through this collaboration will benefit the broader community long after the school reopens its doors. Together, we're building more than structures but stronger, safer communities.



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See Final Photos: The Urban Grape in Washington, DC