Truesdell Elementary School
Washington, DC
Truesdell Elementary School | Washington, DC
Size: 105,000 sf
Owner: DC Department of General Services (DGS) Joint Venture Partner: Blue Skye Construction
Architect: VMDO-DC
We are proud to partner with Blue Skye Construction and VMDO-DC to provide Design-Build services for an extensive renovation and addition at Truesdell Elementary. Construction will honor the historic building and organize special spaces such as the gym, cafeteria, music room, art studio, and library. A new connecting bridge will extend to the south from the entry lobby and connect to a two-story wing containing the gym, dining, art, and music classrooms. This design allows for wings to be separated for after-hours community use. This project will achieve LEED Gold and Net Zero Energy Certification.
Renderings courtesy of VMDO-DC