CWC Wins "Members Using Members" Award at ABC Chesapeake Shores
Three CWC Partners shared the stage as Bill Simons, Business Unit Leader, and Lynn Stith Bennett, Managing Principal & Chief Strategy Officer, honorably accepted the ‘Members Using Members’ Award from Mike O’Quinn, who currently serves as the ABC Chesapeake Shores President.
CWC Recognized for Hiring ABC Members
As longtime members of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Chesapeake Shores, we were honored to take home the 2022 Award for ‘Members Using Members.’ This respected award celebrates CWC’s continued commitment to hiring ABC member subcontractors to build our projects across the DMV.
Chris Garvey, President & CEO of the chapter, explained, “This award is based on what ABC believes is extremely important in the construction industry as well as something every member should strive to accomplish. We value those members who continue to support the merit-shop philosophy through ABC business relationships. CWC used 33% of subcontractors that were ABC members. Please join me in congratulating Coakley & Williams Construction for their work on the Kite TCF05 Cell Manufacturing Facility and St. Elizabeth’s East Men’s Shelter.”
Roots Run Deep: CWC’s 70+ Year History With ABC
Did you know?
CWC founder, Neil Coakley, also co-founded ABC Metro Washington chapter in 1959.
This award is pertinent to our company’s 60+ year history as one of our founders, Neil Coakley, was the first person from the Washington metropolitan region to join the Baltimore-based Associated Builders & Contractors in the 1950s. This was a daring move for Neil, who ran a small plastering firm at the time, as most contractors were union. To further promote ABC’s merit shop philosophy, he helped establish the Washington Metro Chapter of ABC and served as the chapter’s 2nd President in 1960, co-founding it in 1959 and serving as chapter president in 1960.
Thirty-one years later, CWC’s President, Pat Caulfield, served as Chair of the Board for the Metro Washington chapter. This tradition continued into the 21st century, with Managing Principals Greg Harraka and Lynn Stith Bennett serving in the same role in 2013 and 2021, respectively. Project Executive & Partner Mike O’Quinn currently serves as the Chair of the Board for the ABC Chesapeake Shores Chapter, a position that Business Unit Leader & Partner Bill Simons filled in 2014.