CWC's Partnership with Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School: Building Futures through Internships
Angie Perdomo, a current Don Bosco high school student interning with our preconstruction team, was recently featured on Fox5's local news while promoting the 3rd annual Cristo Rey Cup.

CWC Summer 2023 Internship Program
Learn more about our 2023 Summer Internship program. Together, we will shape a successful future where innovation, excellence, and inclusivity are paramount.

Welcome CWC Summer 2023 Interns!
We want to give a big welcome and shout-out to our 2023 Summer Interns!

Empowering Young Women in Construction at Camp NAWIC | Silver Spring, MD
CWC volunteered at the first-ever Camp NAWIC in collaboration with ABC Greater Washington at Thomas Edison High School of Technology in Silver Spring, MD

Time Capsule Buried at Smothers Elementary School
Students at Smothers Elementary School in Washington, DC buried a time capsule to commemorate their new school building.

CWC Intern and Howard University Student, Dallas Brooks
CWC Summer intern, Dallas Brooks has the opportunity this summer to work on the 2711 Georgia Ave project at the school she attends, Howard University.

Watch Adriana's Construction Career Path
Learn about Adriana's construction career path at Coakley & Williams Construction. Your construction career path starts at workatcwc.com

Paint Party at Washington DC Construction Project
Coakley & Williams Construction threw a Paint Party at our Paulist House Mission & Residence project in Washington, DC.