Dig Deeper into the Construction of Smothers Elementary School | Washington, DC
Dig deeper into the modernization of the Historic Smothers Elementary School located East of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC.

St. Mary of Sorrows Dedicates New Church
St. Mary of Sorrows recently held a dedication ceremony for their newly constructed church in Fairfax, VA. Coakley & Williams Construction (CWC) served as the general contractor for the new worship space, which features a Cruciform shape and seats 1,200 people.
Bancroft's Award-Winning Neighborhood-to-Nature Renovation
The owner of Bancroft Elementary School’s recent $65.8 renovation project, DC Department of General Services (DGS), selected Coakley & Williams Construction as the general contractor for this Design-Build modernization. The architects, Ayers Saint Gross, Jonathan Kuhn Architects and Fielding Nair International blueprinted the additional wings with the intention of nurturing the neighborhood-to-nature relationship.