CWC Empowers Women at Camp NAWIC
Some of our team members volunteered at Camp NAWIC (National Association for Women in Construction), a free national program organized by the National Association of Women in Construction that introduces young women to various career opportunities in the construction industry.

A Look Into CWC's Construction Internship Program | Bethesda, MD
As the summer ends, we want to showcase some highlights from this year’s internship program! From project tours to professional training sessions, these rising stars excelled in their roles and enjoyed learning about the construction industry.

Empowering Young Women in Construction at Camp NAWIC | Silver Spring, MD
CWC volunteered at the first-ever Camp NAWIC in collaboration with ABC Greater Washington at Thomas Edison High School of Technology in Silver Spring, MD

Earth Day 2022: CWC Women's Group Plant Trees at DC Shelter
CWC Women’s Group Leads Tree Planting at St. Elizabeths East Men’s Shelter In Washington, DC

Women in Construction Week: In the Community
This Friday morning on March 8th, 2019, the Coakley & Williams Construction (CWC) Women's Group gathers for a kick-off meeting to prepare for the eventful day ahead. It is the last - but not least - day of Women in Construction Week.

Women in Construction Week: Lynn Stith Bennett
Lynn Stith Bennett began her career at Coakley & Williams Construction in 1987. With the fastest female career progression in the company’s 60 year history, she was promoted to Executive Vice President in 2018.

Women in Construction Week: SheBuilds Volunteer Day
Coakley & Williams Construction, Inc. is excited to wrap up Women in Construction Week 2018 with a day of service called SheBuilds.

VIDEO: Women In Construction Week: Congratulations Lynn
VIDEO: Coakley & Williams Construction, Inc. is pleased to announce the promotion of Lynn Stith Bennett to the Executive Vice President.